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The Power of Storytelling – How It Transforms Your Selling Game

18 Jan 2023

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Vicks?

Probably the image of a child coughing and not being able to sleep at night and his mother applying Vicks VapoRub to soothe him and help him get some relief from his condition. But why do you think of the child and his mother and not just of Vicks VapoRub?

Although VapoRub is the product, we as humans are wired to remember the product through the story, and hence, it’s the mother and son whose tale flashes in our mind first and then VapoRub comes into the picture. Given how susceptible the human brain is to remembering a narrative over just a product without any tale to add value to it, it is every brand’s need to imprint itself onto the minds of people using the best possible story out there.

Storytelling is an art. It’s a powerful tool that can help you to connect with your customers on an emotional level and create an unforgettable experience. In today’s world, where customers are bombarded with information from all sides, storytelling can be a useful tool to capture their attention and make them remember your product.

In the world of sales, storytelling is becoming increasingly important. To become a great storyteller for brands, join TTT in the journey from a brief to a tale here!

The Difference between Marketing and Selling? 

Before we move on to the importance of storytelling in sales, it is important to understand the difference between marketing and selling a product.

Marketing involves creating awareness about a product by using various tactics such as advertising, public relations, etc. It is focused on getting people to know about the product. On the other hand, selling is focused on convincing people to buy the product. It involves more personal interactions and persuasive techniques. 

For example, in the fast-food industry, the marketing team might create a commercial to create awareness about a new burger. The sales team, on the other hand, would use storytelling techniques to convince people to try the burger. 

Though very different yet they are both heavily dependent on each other.

Storytelling & Sales


A good story drives sales. 

Your product can be the most unique one-of-a-kind luxury in the market but without a story the chances of it selling are debatable. Given how much people relate to a good story and remember it for a really long time, many big brands have managed to awe the audience over and over again with their master storytelling techniques. Some of the notable ones are:

1) Nike:

Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is a great example of storytelling. The campaign was built around the idea of pushing people to be the best versions of themselves. The campaign featured athletes and everyday people who had achieved their goals and were inspiring others to do the same. 

2) Apple:

Apple’s famous “Think Different” campaign used storytelling to illustrate the power of creativity and innovation. The campaign featured iconic figures such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and others to show that anyone can be a revolutionary if they think differently. 


3) Starbucks:

Starbucks’ “Everyday Made Better” campaign was all about storytelling. The campaign featured stories of people who had used Starbucks to make their everyday lives better. Whether it was by meeting a new friend, getting a good job, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee, Starbucks was able to show that their products can make your life better.


Becoming a Great Storyteller

Everyone can tell a story, but the question is how epic is it? We all grew up listening to a lot of stories but how many of them do we still remember? The ones we remembered probably struck a chord with us in some way, and that is exactly how a great storyteller works. A good storyteller is someone who can tell a story that engages your audience and makes them feel connected to your product. 

A great storyteller, however, is someone who can take it one step further and make your audience feel something. They can evoke emotions such as joy, surprise, or even fear in your audience which can help to drive them to take action. A good storyteller in sales can make a product stand out from the competition and engage the customer. But a great storyteller can make the product unforgettable.

Some of the qualities that make a storyteller remarkable are:

1. Good Listener: A great storyteller should be a good listener. They should be able to understand the customer’s needs and tailor their story to fit those needs. 

2. Creative Thinker: A great storyteller should be able to think outside the box. They should be able to come up with creative solutions to engage the customer. 

3. Create compelling narratives: A great storyteller should be able to tell a compelling story. They should be able to draw the customer in and make them interested in the product. 

4. Engaging: A great storyteller should be able to engage the customer. They should be able to make the customer feel like they are part of the story. 

5. Confident: A great storyteller should be confident in their abilities. They should be able to convey their message in a clear and concise manner. 


10 Tips on How to Make Your Story Sell

Now that you are aware of the qualities that you need to nurture to hone your storytelling techniques, here are a few tips to ensure that you have everything you need at your disposal to retain the audience’s attention for a long:  

1. Start with an engaging opening: An engaging opening is essential in making your story sell. Use an interesting anecdote or personal story to hook the customer in. 

2. Know your audience: It is important to know who your target audience is and what kind of stories will resonate with them. 

3. Use powerful imagery: Use powerful images and metaphors to help the customer visualize the product or service. 

4. Use stories: Use stories to show the customer how the product or service can be beneficial in their life.

5. Keep it simple: Keep your stories short and to the point. Long-winded stories can be difficult to follow and can lose the customer’s attention. 

6. Be authentic: Be authentic in your storytelling and show the customer that you genuinely believe in the product or service. 

7. Use emotion: Use emotion to make the customer feel an emotional connection with the product or service. 

8. Show the customer the value: Show the customer the value of the product or service and how it can make their life easier or better. 

9. Give the customer a reason to buy: Give the customer a reason to buy the product or service. Show them how it can benefit them and how it can improve their life. 

10. End with a call to action: End your story with a call to action that encourages the customer to buy the product or service. 


Storytelling is an effective method of marketing because it allows businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level. By creating a narrative and incorporating it into their marketing efforts, businesses can evoke emotions and create a more immersive experience for their audience.

This can help to build trust and loyalty among customers, which is crucial for the success of any business. Additionally, storytelling can help to differentiate a business from its competitors by giving it a unique voice and identity. Overall, storytelling is a powerful tool that can help businesses to effectively communicate their message and engage with their audience.

Learn this and so much more in our flagship course, Writing That Sells, we hope to see you there :)


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